Eduardo M. Gaban


Professor of Law, he teaches Economic Law, Antitrust Law, Corporate Law, Compliance and Corporate Governance in post-graduation programs in the main Brazilian educational institutions, with special emphasis on the University of São Paulo (USP, Ribeirão Preto Law School). In 2012, he founded the Nucleus for Studies and Research on Competition and Innovation - NCI – PUC/SP (official group of the graduate program with CNPQ), which he co-leads since then with Professor Maria Garcia, one of the most prominent Brazilian Professors of Constitutional Law.

Eduardo has served from 2014 until 2020 in a pro-bono basis as an Executive Board Member at the Fulbright Commission in Brazil, and served from 2012 until 2022 in the same pro-bono basis as a Board member at the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP). He is a member of several Editorial Boards, among which the following stand out: Editora Juruá, Revista CONSINTER, Magazine of the Brazilian Academy of Constitutional Law (ABDC), CADE's Competition Defense Magazine. He has been, since 2014, a non-governmental advisor to the International Competition Network (ICN), with active participation in the Merger Working Group (MWG) and the Cartel Working Group (CWG).

His most recent publication is the paper “A new language for A.I. and the legal discourse”, partial result of his research project at IBCI (beginning in 2019 and underway), together with Prof. Dr. Vinícius Klein (from the Federal University of Paraná - UFPR). This paper underwent a rigorous selection undertaken by the main Professors of Antitrust / Competition Law from the US and the EU who are part of the Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA). The paper was presented at the 16th annual event of Ascola held from 1 to 3 July 2021 and was published in the book Competition and Innovation: thoughts and insights. GABAN, E. M. Klein, V. (Coord.) (552p., Ed. IBCI, 2021, São Paulo-SP, Brazil).

Eduardo holds a Bachelor’s, Master’s and Ph.D. in Law from PUC/SP. He lived in New York (2010 and 2011), where he was a visiting Fulbright Scholar at New York University School of Law in the Competition Law, Trade, and Regulation program (currently named Competition, Innovation, and Information Law). He authored more than 10 books and many articles published in Brazil, in the EU, and in the US. He is married and has two daughters.